Monday, February 9, 2009

nursing dedication.

On Saturday afternoon, more than 1oo (I think?) of my schoolmates and I were dedicated into the profession of nursing. Us girls wore the infamous nursing caps that some schools still wear today during clinicals and carried nursing lamps that had pen lights as candles. The program lasted for an hour and I was special. Haha! Okay, okay, was special.

Anyways, I just wanted to post the pledge that we all recited so it acts as a reminder to ME about what I have stated before the God, the universe, and others to keep me accountable!

My roommate and I got pazookies from BJ's today and it made us...a little...umm...I'll just say--hyperglycemic. It's midterm week for us (I just finished my Pharm midterm that's worth 40% of my grade! Praise God I passed, but it's not good enough...I know that I can do better!) and we should be studying. SO yeah...I need to remember what I pledged to uphold as a nurse to keep me MOTIVATED!

International Pledge of Nursing

I SOLEMNLY PLEDGE MYSELF, before God and in the presence of this assembly to practice faithfully my profession of nursing.

I WILL do all in my power to make and maintain the highest standards and practices of my profession.

I WILL hold in confidence all personal matters commited to my keeping in the practice of my calling.

I WILL serve as a loyal member of the health care team and will devote myself to the welfare of my patients, my families, and my community.

I WILL endeavor to fulfill my rights and privileges as a good citizen, and to take my share of responsibility in promoting the health and welfare of my community.

I WILL constantly endeavor to increase my knowledge and skills in nursing and to use them wisely.

I WILL zealously seek to nurse those who are ill, wherever they may be and whenever they are in need.

I WILL be active in assisting others in safeguarding and promoting the health and happiness of humanity.