The NBA may be "Where Amazing Happens," but GOD is for sure "HOW Amazing Happens."
I know I haven't blogged in FOREVER and a day, but I'm just so happy right now and in awe of God!
Long story short, I failed my first MS 2 test. I received a 71% and I was like..."I need to raise my grade during the 2nd test!" I calculated it out and I was like...okay I need to get an 80% to be passing the course by the 2nd test (You need a 76% average on three tests to pass the course).
Today was our 2nd MS 2 test. I didn't study as much as I should have but I for sure studied harder than I did the first test! I fell asleep yesterday because I didn't feel well and then I fell asleep early this morning when I should have been memorizing chemotherapy drugs and what not. I came to the test and when I was looking through it, my heart fell. It was so much harder than I thought it would be! I just began to plead with God and I started to claim James 1:5 and I was like, "Lord, I know YOU cannot like. Your Word SAYS you cannot lie. So right now, I NEED you to help me. Forgive me for what I've done and please...Your Will be done."
I was so nervous because as I was going through the test, I started to think about what would happen if I failed. I was so afraid to tell my mom that I failed the test...and to consider the option of withdrawing from the course...or just studying foreverrrr until the final and hoping for the best. I was so beyond nervous that when I began to transfer my answers to the scantron, I was shaking.
During my test, I calculated that I needed to miss 14 to at least pass the class. I wanted to get whatever I could to have an 76% average, but I knew at this point, I would be lucky to just pass. As I went through the answers and counted it at the end...I missed only 14! I had passed the test! I was like, "Oh my goshhh PRAISE GOD!!" Walking to my room, I knew I was going to have to step it up major to pass the class and I knew I had to do well on the final. I was relieved that I passed..
But then GOD surpasses what we NEED and everything! I just went on Blackboard and my teacher posted the grades already and mentioned that she had accepted multiple answers for 3 questions. I was excited because that could mean my grade went up...AND IT DID! 49/60 = 81%!!! MORE THAN I EVER EXPECTED! And right now...I have an average test score of 76%!