Sunday, June 3, 2007

Dead Week

Today is the beginning of dead week. There is no doubt about it: I'm going to die this week.

Not only am I still trying to get over my cold or whatever contractible and contagious virus I have, everything that can be possibly due is due and any test or final that could possibly happen, is happening.

Monday: Interpersonal Communications Project Presentation 10 A.M.
Tuesday: Biology Lab Practical 3 P.M. (after: cooking three vegan cheesecakes)
Wednesday: English Research Presentation 11 A.M. (cheesecakes due)
Thursday: Interpersonal Communications Impromptu Speech 10 A.M. & Chemistry Lab Final 3 P.M.
Friday: Chemistry Test 9 A.M. & English Research Paper and Source Notebook due 11 A.M.

That may seem like not a lot to the average reader, but trust me, for a person who has procrastinated all quarter and is's a lot. Yes, those two things may be my fault because yes, I chose to have bad time management and I chose to not take care of myself but you know what? It's not like I can change that now!

The best thing I have heard all day is that I have thirty-four meals left and I have thirty-three dollars and something cents left on my flex money. Can you say BREAKFAST?! ...excited..

ANYWAYS. Enough with my complaining, tee hee. It's hard to believe that this school year is almost finished. Just two more weeks and I'm done with my first year of college at La Sierra!

Something that I just started to think about is that I never thought I would be the person I am right now in the beginning of the school year. I started off this school year as Pre-Med, a meat-eater, a huge TV watcher, a chocolate lover, and lived my life just for myself. Now I am Pre-Nursing, a vegetarian, I don't watch the TV shows that I loved before anymore, I try to abstain from chocolate (it's been working: the only time I ate chocolate was for Melissa's birthday) and trying my best and hardest to live my life for the Lord. If someone had told me back in September, "You know what? By the end of the year, you're not going to like chocolate or meat, you're going to stop watching Grey's Anatomy, Friends, Gilmore Girls, and Will and Grace, you're going to love going to Bible studies twice a week, and you're going to be a Nurse" I would have been so skeptical. But that is who I am today and it's just so amazing to see how much God has worked through my life this past year.

Okay, well those are some thoughts that I just wanted to let out. Now it's time for me to start writing my research paper and practicing for my presentation. Joy.

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