I talked a lot. I did not follow through.
I made a new MySpace.
I fell back into this horrible networking world that is sucking the lives out of youth everywhere.
Hah, I love my adjectives.
It just shows what a networking-dependent society we live in nowadays. People everywhere, including myself, check sites such as MySpace and Facebook daily, sometimes even hourly, to see if they have received new messages, new comments, new friend requests, and to even pry into other people's lives through reading comments and looking at pictures.
I was out of the loop for the month (?) that I was away from MySpace. And now, this wretched cycle is continuing on.
One day I tell you. One day. For sure. Deleted. Gone. Vanished.
Or maybe not.
We'll see.
At least it's a bit high up in that spectrum (hah, Jeremy).
(Just a side note: I WANT MY PASSPORT, U.S. GOVERNMENT! I am a quiet Seventh-day Adventist Filipina-American who just wants to have the opportunity to exercise her right as a born citizen of this nation! I would like to travel the world! Or even just have it as a possibility! I am training to be a nurse, a nurse that could go overseas to help other countries, if ONLY I had my passport! So pleeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee...it's been over three months! I have waited patiently. I have not even called the Post Office to see what has been happening. I know there are thousands, or even millions, of Americans who have rushed to have their passports renewed or to obtain one at the same time that I have but pleeeeeeeaaaasssssseeeee. Expedite the process, if possible!)
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