Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Withdraw? Or Not to Withdraw -- That is the Question.

I've never dropped a class, except for web drops before the class even started.

I've always thought about it, especially when I wasn't doing well in chemistry and biology, but I just kept on going.

Now, not only am I thinking of dropping, it's going to be a withdraw.

I can't stand my history class! I don't know why I decided to take it. I liked history when I was taking it from Ms. Gross! I did pretty well in European history, so that's why I decided to take this class. But this class it not fun. I was so desperate to drop, I emailed GCC, LLU, and LSU asking questions about humanities courses!

But now that it's going to be a "W" on my transcript, I'm not so sure. I don't know whether to accept this challenge or just drop it, especially if I have enough humanities courses.

I don't know what to do.

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