Sunday, January 27, 2008

my lab prayer

So I thought instead of blogging about so-called "emo" things (that's for you Jeremy, even though you haven't said anything like that to me but whatever) or random information about me, I think I'm going to blog about different illustrations/spiritual applications that pop into my mind or blessings that happened during the week.

Here's a beautiful blessing that happened to me last week:

On Thursday, I had three exams: Sociology, Anatomy, and Chemistry and my weekly anatomy lab quiz. I was not prepared for any of them! I was really worried about Chemistry especially because I'm retaking that class and I need a better grade.

I wanted to spend most of Wednesday studying, but the sleepy side of me took over and so after Morning Manna and breakfast with my LSU ministry loves, I slept for a couple of hours. Around eleven, I woke up and I started reading over Sociology. Then, around one, I got dressed and went to the Biology building to start working. I came in early to put grades into my computer and hang around in Daniel and Danny's labs.

I sooooo did not want to be there! I was so freaked out about my tests and I was telling Daniel, Danny, and Janine and Danny offered to work the first hour for me so I could study, but I told him that was okay. I wasn't sure how good that was going to look, especially since I asked Janine to write me a recommendation for Loma Linda! Danny wanted to help me out, but we couldn't be clocked in at the same time so he couldn't.

Coming into lab and greeting the students, I was so grumpy--the Grinch of Lab. I don't even know what I said to them (it wasn't horrible!; it just wasn't the nice, cheerful, bubbly me that it should have been LOL) but I was telling them how they should just basically do their best to work quickly in lab. Ha, I'm a great T.A. right?

Well, before their quiz, I decided to pray. I had been thinking about that the week before and I felt the Holy Spirit tugging me to pray with them, so I asked that whoever wanted to pray with me could bow their heads. I prayed asking the Lord to be with them during the quiz and during lab, and especially for all of us with our quizzes, and tests, and whatever we had going on in the week. Then, the lab went as usual.

Not only was I stressed about my tests, I was also stressed about the lab! Dr. McCloskey gave them a worksheet about the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem to work on and I remember that I did not do that great with that equation. I was scared of the questions they were going to ask me! I wasn't sure if I would be able to answer them.

But I thank the Lord for being with me during the lab! The students are so bright; most all of them understood the theorem and they got the right answers on their worksheet! Not only that, but my mood brightened and I knew it was because of that prayer. I wasn't as stressed for my tests during the lab, so I was able to just go around to the different groups and talk with them and whatever. It was great!

So that's my testimony of the week.

Other news:
I finished my Loma Linda School of Nursing application and submitted it! Now I have to print out the recommendation sheets and give them to my teachers, and submit transcript requests at GAA and GCC. Funn. oOoOo yeah, and study for TEAS! Blah.
annnnnd...I'm home. Alive. Dry. Not crying. For those that know the situation, that could possibly be a good start.

Yay, tomorrow is the LSU Winter Formal, but a few friends and I are going to have some fun on our own.

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