Friday, September 7, 2007


After visiting Glendale Academy today, I realized how many changes have happened this past year. Not only to the school, but in my life.

I visited Ms. Gross and I absolutely love her new requirement for her honors students: They must read The Great Controversy by Ellen White and another one of her books. When I found out, I was so thrilled. I wish that took place when I was a Senior. But thinking back on it, I probably wouldn't have liked it.

Pastor Gomez let me borrow Messages to Young People during my Freshman year and I remember opening it up, and after reading the first paragraph, I set it aside because I thought it was boring. But now! I'm in the middle of the book, which I kind of regret because I should be finished with it now!

I've finished Steps to Christ and have read excerpts from The Great Controversy, The Ministry of Healing, and Counsels on Diet and Foods. I've read chapters of Patriarchs and Prophets that go along with my devotion/reading the Bible in a year (except it might end up being: in less than two years) plan, but have yet to open Education. Sorry Jeremy! I will get to it. (He bought me that book from the library's book sale this past year.) It's just amazing to me how now I find these books to be so awesome when just a few years ago, I couldn't read past one page.

I love Ms. Gross's new requirement so when I shared it with Mike and Jenny, they liked it too! But seeing the reactions of some of my friends to it just goes to show how much my mindset has changed from a year ago. If I heard that a year ago, I would have thought, "Poor kids." But now, oh, how I wish I could trade places with them! I find that requirement to be fun! Hehe.

I have wondered quite a few times about what my life would have been like if I had decided to live for God earlier. I wonder how big of a change my past would have been if I had accepted the Truth earlier. I think about the Jr/Sr football game dance routines that I wouldn't have participated in, the Grad Night I wouldn't have attended, the music I wouldn't have listened to, the meat I wouldn't have consumed, the words I wouldn't have said, the feelings I wouldn't have had or would have tried to control, the TV shows and the movies I wouldn't have watched... But even with that, I know that there is a reason why I am convicted now. To say that I wasn't ready sounds a bit weird, but I think must be the truth. There's a concept that we shouldn't share things with others before they're ready because it might make them not as open to it...and I guess that might have happened with me? I'm not sure. But I know God had a reason for not convicting me before and maybe with time, I'll see it. *sigh A concept I must apply to my life now...

Anyways. Just some ramblings as I prepare to sleep and stuff. Happy Sabbath!

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