*sigh I got some news up there that really bummed me out and has kind of left me in charge of our Bible studies at La Sierra. It's okay, I'm getting better, and I'm really excited for this new leadership role. And now my first task has begun: confirming that David Asscherick is one of the speakers for Spiritual Emphasis Weeks. I've emailed three people now and have yet to find out who the speaker is. I really hope he's one of them! I want him to be a guest presenter for the Bible Studies, either Reason Together or Just Ask! or maybe even both!
Anyways, after talking with the Jeremys last night (they're hilarious, but not when they're all hyper and you're their target to make fun of) I started to think about something. I had said something about ice cream (LOL) that I'm kind of regretting right now. It made me think of these two things:
"The lives of professing Christians who do not live the Christ life are a mockery to religion. Every one whose name is registered on the church roll is under obligation to represent Christ by revealing the inward adorning of a meek and quiet spirit. They are to be His witnesses, making known the advantages of walking and working as Christ has given them example. The truth for this time is to appear in its power in the lives of those who believe it, and is to be imparted to the world. Believers are to represent in their lives, its power to sanctify and ennoble. . . . They are to show forth the power of the grace that Christ died to give men. . . . They are to be men of faith, men of courage, whole-souled men, who, without questioning, trust in God and His promises. . . . {AG 247.3}
There must be no pretense in the lives of those who have so sacred and solemn a message as we have been called to bear. The world is watching Seventh-day Adventists because it knows something of their profession of faith and of their high standard, and when it sees those who do not live up to their profession, it points at them with scorn." {AG 247.4}

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17 KJV
Hmm. It just made me think that not only is the world watching Seventh-day Adventists, but we Seventh-day Adventists are watching each other. We look to each other for human encouragement and as a living sermon. By the way we live our lives, we influence those who are also in the church. And so...if you boys are reading this, LOL, never mind what I said about ice cream. Hehe. But seriously. Sorry for those comments. I think my craving just got me, LOL.
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