Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bright Blue

I didn't realize how bright my blue background is until just now, when I checked my blog. Maybe Rory (a Macbook -- Mac pride!) is just that good.

I'm overwhelmed.

I was looking over Vanessa's Nursing binder today, and I didn't realize how much stuff...and...stuff...Nursing School entails. (I can't find a better word than stuff right now.)

These are the things that are freaking me out right now about Nursing School:
  • a 95% is an A
  • I don't know if I will graduate on time -- June 2010
  • my recommendations
  • TEAS
  • Med School
That's right, Med School. That idea has never left me. I won't change my major again; I'm going to finish Nursing. But now, I'm thinking about going to Med School. I want to be a doctor and I'm not sure why. I just have a feeling in me that wants to be a doctor, that wants to go to med school. One can't trust their feelings and shouldn't base a decision solely on feelings so that's why I'm not sure. Ahhhh.

I have a lot of things to do besides that so maybe I should put those aside, and start worrying about them when Fall Quarter finals are over. I have to start my application process for LLUSN (Loma Linda University School of Nursing) by January 2008 because it's due at the of March 2008, so I have a few months to not worry about them and worry about LSU stuff.

List making looks fun right now, so here's my to-do-list for tonight =]
  • pick up Bio lab notebooks
  • finish the laundry
  • OSA PIE FEED @ 6 P.M.! mmmmmm, foooooooood =]
  • start studying for PSYC test
  • PSYC application essay due tonight @ 11:59 P.M.
  • start making flash cards for A & P: muscles and appendicular skeleton
  • clean room (hah! like that's gonna happen...)
*sigh* This week is almost over! It's been so blaaaah and cloudy (not only in the skies). At least today had a good moment and a burst of sun: Dr. Joseph finally did the moonwalk in class!

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