Sunday, December 30, 2007

google maps

I've never been a big fan of Geography. Sure, it was easy in high school and I got an A and everything, but to this day, I've never been good with maps. Two weeks ago at GYC, Jenny and I were standing in the cold for ten minutes in a Minneapolis neighborhood trying to find our starting point for our door-to-door evangelism. We walked all the way down one street in hopes that it would lead us to the starting point, but we went the wrong way! Today I had a sadder, more time-consuming experience.

I agreed to help Jeremy with mapping out a bunch of addresses on a Google map. I was confused for about twenty minutes, but I finally got the hang of it. We were working on a bunch of addresses, and in the middle of it, he notices that something happened and all of them were erased! Jeremy was pretty frustrated with it because he had worked on it for a long time but I stayed calm and tried to make him smile and de-frustrate him with icons that I thought would make him smile/laugh. I think it worked, and after that, we started up again. After reaching another half-way point, his computer froze and he signed off but I continued working. I finally got to the end of the list and was so relieved! I felt so accomplished because it was a really long list. I saved everything and clicked "Done" and went exploring on the map. I accidentally clicked a link and it brought me to a different page. I quickly pressed back and alas, our hard work was erased again.

I was so disappointed and sad.

When I called him up to tell him what happened, I actually had tears forming in my eyes.

Looking back on it now, a few hours later, it's a little humorous. I can't believe I shed a few tears for a map.


Anyways. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I haven't done anything that I was supposed to do this break! This week, I need to really start working on: LLUSN application, recommendations, TEAS studying, my "Behold" Bible study research, my room...

Boo procrastination.


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Jeremy Salvador said...

Hey! Thanks for the help =) I might have been frustrated... but well... i think it was valid frustation... Grr... Boo google maps Boo Boo Hiss Boo =P