Saturday, December 15, 2007

study break

it hasn't been three full days since i've left la sierra, but i'm actually itching for something to study. that totally goes to show how confused i am: when at school, i absolutely despise studying, but now that i'm on break for three weeks, i feel like i need to study.

so tonight, i had some alone time. i curled up in my bed and read "the soul of a doctor," which is a compilation of essays by harvard medical students about their real experiences with patients. while i was reading, i really wanted my anatomy book so i could look up some of the terminology. i even was picturing the muscle model from the lab and started naming them: "rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medius, vastus intermedius, tensor fasciae latae...wait is that how you spell it? l-a-t-a-e? iliopsoas, pectineus..." and so on.

no i'm not a nerd. even though at this time, like always at the end of a quarter, i constantly attack the la sierra website, relentlessly logging in until my grades are all posted up so i can either rejoice or pout, i'm not a nerd. example: i can and should study for my teas exam, which i want to take in january, but i'm not. case closed.

i should be enjoying this break. i've been longing for this time when i don't have to study, work, practice, etc., but i actually just want to fast forward time to when i become a nursing student. even though i was totally afraid and overwhelmed at jonjon's llu nursing student testimonies, i'm yearning for that busyness, the hustle-and-bustle, the interaction with patients, and so on. i'm not looking forward to all the studying, but everything else seems fun. instead of being scared for allison and vanessa as they begin nursing school like i was on thursday night, i kind of really want to be going there with them next quarter...

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