Wednesday, July 23, 2008


"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

In the Philippines, we were able to hand out small cards with our name, a verse, and our email on them. Usually many of the students would want us to sign their cards so we would leave a small message and our signature. I would write things like "Keep looking to Jesus," and "Only in Him will you find true happiness and perfect peace," but most of all, I would also write: "Trust in the Lord always!"

It's funny that now during this time, I'm having a hard time doing all the above, especially trusting in Him.'s not funny, more ironic, but it's such a bummer especially since 1 Cor. 9:14.

I'm praying that my faith and my trust in God will not waver, though the things that I would like to happen are not happening and most likely won't happen. When I saw something earlier, I felt a twinge of pain and closed my eyes and started saying to myself, "Trust in the Lord...He knows what's best...He has a better plan for you.." I've seen time and time again about how the Lord's plan is always the best plan, and yet even now, I'm still having trouble accepting it in this situation. Ahhhhhh.

The most I can do is just continue to pray and put all my trust in God. I prayed last night that the Lord may refine me through trials so that I will be able to stand for the troubles that are nearing quickly, and maybe this is another trial that I must go through. I must again go through something like this in order just to...learn to trust.

I have to remember my verse that I put on the cards too!:
"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Psalms 27:14.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

philippines mission trip 2008.

I've tried to think about what I can write about the mission trip that I just went on. I could write a synopsis of it, a day-to-day summary of what happened...but there are no words to fully explain this trip.

It was a life changing experience. Never in the States can anyone find the kindness, hospitality, sweetness, and love that the people in the Philippines have. We were so babied there because they really wanted to take care of us. Not only were they hospitable and kind, but they were so receptive to the Word. I'll never forget the time when a guy came up to receive his prize for getting an answer correct on a quiz--he got a Bible and the joy that he expressed when he got it was so priceless. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for that. It put such a huge smile on my face!

When I came back and people asked me, "How was the Philippines?" I tell them that I didn't want to come back. A friend of mine was like "Gee..thanks!" when I said that, but I don't know. With love and honesty I say this--I didn't miss anyone or anything (except kinda flushing toilets but I got used to it..) from back home. When you're doing work for God, nothing else is on your mind. You put your all into the work and it's just so amazing to see the results. Praise the Lord because without Him, nothing that we did on this trip would have meant anything or even happened.

This mission trip has shed a new light on life. I felt like I could do this forever--full time missionary work. But I know there's a mission field that I have here back at home, but I dunno...maybe if God calls me to it after school, I will go!

I don't know what else to add...I just can't describe it. All my training in English and writing have failed me because...I just can't find the words to say anything else about it. I thank the Lord for this opportunity because I would not trade anything for those two weeks.